Happy Father's Day to all the dads we know (including our own dads)! Being a husband and a dad is such a huge responsibility... You all have to provide financially, think for your family's needs: spiritually, family decisions, etc and usually are the ultimate decision makers. It is a huge responsibility, its an amazing one I know, but I always tell Matt that being the husband and father (as I see it) is not easy! You all are the leaders of future family generations and your love specifically will shape and encourage your children both male and females. The love and affection you have for your children and for your wife creates SUCH a security and safety net for them.
We always joke around and I tell Matt "gosh I am SO HAPPY I'm not the male... I would be soo over whelmed, nervous and stressed!" haha funny but it's so true. The Lord knew what He was doing when He decided to make me a female :), especially the one to be married to Matt because we fill in what the other lacks, etc.
And lastly, thank you Matt for being an awesome dad! Thank you for all you do for us and especially what you don't know you are doing for Samuel already. I have never seen a man (grow to) love the Lord so much... by that I mean see his true need for a Savior because of an understanding of his sinfulness. He is constantly thinking on the gospel by always talking to me about the Lord, singing hymns at home and work (in the shower, while getting dressed, playing with Samuel, etc... it's very sweet to hear), asking me hard questions that challenge my thought life, always reading books (fun ones and challenging ones), reading the scriptures, etc.
4 months old! |
It's encouraging to see the Lord's promise to His people as He says in Philippians, "..being
confident of this, that he who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Such a promise that is FULL of grace. This is the greatest jewel to pass down to our children and for them to see. And of course love your silliness, randomness, talents, etc.
We had a great weekend swimming, relaxing, and kicking the soccer ball around at the park
Father's Day morning! (11 months old) |