The past 2 weeks I have been making it a goal to speak only in Spanish for at least an hour to Samuel! We do it in the mornings after his first nap. This is mainly for me right now, to get me used to thinking and speaking in Spanish. Even though I know it fluently, its hard to turn that switch on and say everything in Spanish (to think in Spanish)... I mean everything! Even all that baby talk we do with them like they understand us haha! Just in everything I do I'm telling him what I'm doing. Like wiping his mouth after he eats, being silly with him, changing his diaper, playing with toys, body parts, etc. Its been sooo good for me! I'm noticing the more I do it the more it becomes natural. My goal is that as he gets older, I'd speak as much Spanish to him as I can, hopefully majority of the day! When he learns his first few words, we'll teach them to him in Spanish as well.
That is how I know Spanish... my parents never sat me down and gave me lessons, I just heard it all the time! We learned English by going to school. It is amazing how the brain works, how a child can absorb, learn, and retain two different languages with out even knowing it! I remember going to a small after school program my mom worked at, I'd sit in there while she taught the kids. I remember them doing their alphabet and I did not even know them in Spanish. One day I just tried saying them in bed over and over because I remembered most of them or over heard her. The ones I did not know, I'd ask my dad and re say them. I taught myself how to write and read as well and growing up we'd write our grandparents letters and my dad would mail them. Spanish is so easy to write and read, its spelled and pronounced the way it sounds, unlike English.
I definitely want to pass this language down to our children. It's part of my family! Also, I don't want it to end with me and years later when my children have children, here my grandchildren say "yeah my mom's parents spoke Spanish but..." And it's SO useful in today's world!
Friday, February 24, 2012
My New Love!
I loved watching infomercials when I was little! And space saver bags
were one of the ones I thought were so cool. Well about two months ago,
I decided to see if they were still out there thinking it'd be great
for our situation and for permanently storing Samuel and future kid's
I found their website ( and ordered a big package they
had! I (we) love them! Packing things in them was our entertainment Monday! It's great because you can put them under the bed, closet,
garage, attic,etc. They won't get moldy or wet! Monday, while Matt
packed a lot, I sorted through all of Samuel's clothes. I vacuum packed
all of his clothes organized by sizes/months, burp cloths, socks, bibs,
extra towels and blankets we don't need anymore, I did all my winter
clothes, all of Matt and I's winter "stuff" things like hats, gloves,
scarves, etc. And I packed my maternity clothes! The best part is its
not a pain to re open if you may have forgotten something.. you
just open the bag at the top, stick whatever you forgot in, seal it and
attach the vacuum nozzle. Enjoy some of the before and afters!
On the right, is all my heavy winter clothes... probably between 50 to 60 items at least! (use door knob as a guide :) )
These will definitely be used a lot in our house hold!

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two comforters and decorative pillows |
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Before |

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After! |
These will definitely be used a lot in our house hold!

Packing or Blogging?
I haven't blogged in a few days with our packing, so decided to take a little break. This past week has been a crazy, busy packing week! We've been busy packing away, at times it really feels like we have not made a dent... probably because everything is still sitting in our apartment. Samuel and I have had fun in between packing... he truly is such a joy and makes me smile and laugh all the time! He's been my fun "breather" break, we've taken lots of cute pictures this week.... no crawling yet!
Matt and I have done many movie nights to "take breaks"
haha! As much as I do not like to pack, I do love to get RID of
things... feels so good!! I've thrown away so much and we have 9 or 10
goodwill bags to go of our clothes and some other things!
These two pictures on the left are from today... he found a new teething toy. It's the top on a container of gas drops, the top is squishy so he can bight on it and suck on it!

These two pictures on the left are from today... he found a new teething toy. It's the top on a container of gas drops, the top is squishy so he can bight on it and suck on it!
This week has been such an emotional week for me! Really though, when am I not emotional?! I'm going to miss our sweet cozy apartment that Matt and I have made into our home! The other day we were looking around and Matt said, Carla our decorations and apartment is nice! I said babe, thanks to you!!! Haha because one day, Matt asked in the sweetest most innocent way if we could use our gift cards from our wedding (this was a year and half later) to buy some things for the apartment! haha, poor guy! I mean now that I think about it, we have not had even curtains for the LONGEST time! So we did, it was the funnest day because it was like a shopping spree! So he is the reason it looks cute I always tell him! I'm growing in this area: decorating, etc, and thinking about these things. Guess I just didn't pay attention to it or realize how empty our apartment was until he said something!
We also noticed that EVERYTHING in our living room and in our rooms was given to us! Amazing how the Lord provides! Everything except the black book shelf Matt built and Samuel's crib we bought... even sweet Samuel's crib was a gift from many good friends! And this was Samuel's first home with such a cozy room! Everywhere I look, I picture him when he was just new born! The places he'd hang out at :)
The Lord has provided in amazing and numerous ways...I will MOST definitely miss our home!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentines Day!
Found this picture on my camera :( Think that was the sweetest, best feeling by far! Just him laying on me, that instant connection/bond!
We had a relaxing night... Matt had made a surprise dinner which was homemade spaghetti and meatballs! Have to honestly say, it was the best I've had... the sauce had wine in it and had such a fresh, subtle taste to it and the meatballs were great because they were BIG and he wasn't shy about making a lot! And a movie marathon night... but we started movie #1 around 9:30 so we were too tired to watch the next one. And the best part was eating it outside on our balcony.
So these two weeks will be packing days for us! Samuel and I have definitely been procrastinating... Did coat closet, which had everything but coats, last week and now I have come to a halt!
We are moving into Matt's mom's house to finish paying off our school debt in a more extreme or intense way! And after, to save for a down payment for a house! That day will be an exciting day! :)
This past August, we were re evaluating if we wanted to re sign a lease at the end of February, buy a house, or this suggestion came up to move into his moms. We really didn't want to resign a lease for another year unless we had too, and know we are not financially ready to get into a house commitment... so we decided and talked with others and ultimately his mom, that we would move in late February.
We've been paying off loans from school a little less than a year after we were married! We paid off the car Matt bought while we were engaged, right after we got married! That felt good since they depreciate so much! Matt read Dave Ramsey's financial peace book (I'm sure many of you are familiar with him!) and it changed his view on finances or more yet, just gave him/us direction on how to manage finances! Most importantly what scripture says about money... It's been such a GREAT journey thus far. God has used this extremely, in my own heart, to show me so much of my sin! Not just in money itself but in jumping on board with Matt and seeing where or what I really put my significance in! Its been great to trust Matt and back him up with my mind, heart and actions. I am very opinionated and too, love to try to control things. Needless to say, it has made us feel even more like a team together, being on the same page about things!
When we were both working, we would put all of what I brought home towards our debt. It was good for us to do this not only because of our plan but we knew and had talked about wanting me to be home with our kids, if possible and if I enjoyed it. So it got us used to one income from the beginning! I'm so grateful for that! It's taught me so much self discipline and taught me the difference between "wanting" something and "needing" something... and in appreciating more, the small treats every once in a while! It's caused me to search my heart and question: the eternal vs the temporary or the things that satisfy but a minute, weeks, months ("..while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal" 2 Cor 4:18-19). But mostly its challenged me (still even today) to see what the Lord says in the bible about debt, money, idols, etc. To not be a slave to debt! At the end, I plan on really going through and thinking about every way the Lord has used this in my life and in our marriage!
We definitely plan on making our trip to TN and going to Dave Ramsey's show, or rather, his building! You go to the lobby and call in his show and talk to him and on every Friday he lets callers yell that they are DEBT FREE!!!! haha... we want to make that our little family trip to the mountains and while we're their, to go yell it out!! I think his show comes on 107.3 FM 1:00 to 4:00pm... should check it out. I've listened to it maybe 3 or 4 times.. he's really funny, and sarcastic and its encouraging to hear people's stories!
His mom is great... we've or she really, has talked to other wise friends and gotten advice for this time while we are there. So we will have some good structure to start out with to protect Matt and I's family time with Samuel and everyone's time/ space really! Will take constant communication, and I will take on new house duties which I'm excited about! (apartments are so easy to maintain and clean) Think it will be a great season of life, with a lot of learning. Mrs. Lucy, a sweet, wise lady at our church always says, The Lord puts us in classrooms (seasons of life), we can be discontent in these times, whether good or bad or ask the Lord, OK Lord, what do you want to teach me in this classroom? I over heard her sharing that with someone one day, and it has stuck with me always always!
So, needless to say we are excited that we have this opportunity and that she is allowing us to move in! Some of the pluses are: Samuel (we) will have a yard! He will have so much room to crawl and walk! and Matt and I can enjoy little get-a ways to the store at night, leaving Samuel home to sleep, and we can go on as many needed (cheap :) dates because someone will always be home for the most part!
Speaking of crawling.... my little man is about to do just that! He is definitely growing growing growing DAILY! Matt and I have seen so much change in him this past week every day, then we ever have! It's crazy....I get so emotional when I'm playing with him and see him changing but too all these milestones are SOO exciting!
Can't wait to know what his little voice will sound like when he can talk, what he will look like, if he will be a cuddler, etc! He's learned to sit in the last 2 days, hes rocking on his knees some, and I transitioned him out of his sleep sack! He's so long, I was about to have to order an XL sleep sack. This one he was in, went up to 18 months, ha but I feel like it gets twisted on him when he is turning in bed or rocking on his knees. So I decided, why not remove it now. So seeing him sleeping with out one is crazy! He looks so cute and much older to me.
We are moving into Matt's mom's house to finish paying off our school debt in a more extreme or intense way! And after, to save for a down payment for a house! That day will be an exciting day! :)
This past August, we were re evaluating if we wanted to re sign a lease at the end of February, buy a house, or this suggestion came up to move into his moms. We really didn't want to resign a lease for another year unless we had too, and know we are not financially ready to get into a house commitment... so we decided and talked with others and ultimately his mom, that we would move in late February.
We've been paying off loans from school a little less than a year after we were married! We paid off the car Matt bought while we were engaged, right after we got married! That felt good since they depreciate so much! Matt read Dave Ramsey's financial peace book (I'm sure many of you are familiar with him!) and it changed his view on finances or more yet, just gave him/us direction on how to manage finances! Most importantly what scripture says about money... It's been such a GREAT journey thus far. God has used this extremely, in my own heart, to show me so much of my sin! Not just in money itself but in jumping on board with Matt and seeing where or what I really put my significance in! Its been great to trust Matt and back him up with my mind, heart and actions. I am very opinionated and too, love to try to control things. Needless to say, it has made us feel even more like a team together, being on the same page about things!
When we were both working, we would put all of what I brought home towards our debt. It was good for us to do this not only because of our plan but we knew and had talked about wanting me to be home with our kids, if possible and if I enjoyed it. So it got us used to one income from the beginning! I'm so grateful for that! It's taught me so much self discipline and taught me the difference between "wanting" something and "needing" something... and in appreciating more, the small treats every once in a while! It's caused me to search my heart and question: the eternal vs the temporary or the things that satisfy but a minute, weeks, months ("..while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal" 2 Cor 4:18-19). But mostly its challenged me (still even today) to see what the Lord says in the bible about debt, money, idols, etc. To not be a slave to debt! At the end, I plan on really going through and thinking about every way the Lord has used this in my life and in our marriage!
We definitely plan on making our trip to TN and going to Dave Ramsey's show, or rather, his building! You go to the lobby and call in his show and talk to him and on every Friday he lets callers yell that they are DEBT FREE!!!! haha... we want to make that our little family trip to the mountains and while we're their, to go yell it out!! I think his show comes on 107.3 FM 1:00 to 4:00pm... should check it out. I've listened to it maybe 3 or 4 times.. he's really funny, and sarcastic and its encouraging to hear people's stories!
His mom is great... we've or she really, has talked to other wise friends and gotten advice for this time while we are there. So we will have some good structure to start out with to protect Matt and I's family time with Samuel and everyone's time/ space really! Will take constant communication, and I will take on new house duties which I'm excited about! (apartments are so easy to maintain and clean) Think it will be a great season of life, with a lot of learning. Mrs. Lucy, a sweet, wise lady at our church always says, The Lord puts us in classrooms (seasons of life), we can be discontent in these times, whether good or bad or ask the Lord, OK Lord, what do you want to teach me in this classroom? I over heard her sharing that with someone one day, and it has stuck with me always always!

Speaking of crawling.... my little man is about to do just that! He is definitely growing growing growing DAILY! Matt and I have seen so much change in him this past week every day, then we ever have! It's crazy....I get so emotional when I'm playing with him and see him changing but too all these milestones are SOO exciting!
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He's already working out hard for the ladies! |
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Joining the Blogging World!
After a few years of debating and recently, a friend (hannah!) starting a blog, I decided why not?! I am VERY far from being a great writer
or entertainer, but there's a few reasons why I think this will be good:
1. Feel like this is a great way for me to have a record of our lives with pictures and so on! Not sure how often I'll write but hopefully I will!
2. I process so much by writing... so think this will be great for me to see "whats going on and not going on" in my life/our lives.
3. Of course to keep close friends and those interested, updated on our highs and lows!
My amazing brother-in-law came up with this fun blog name! He's a genius.. I love it! I came up with the sub title, think it describes exactly what the title means or at least what I thought of when I heard it :)
Enjoy the weekend although its freezing!
1. Feel like this is a great way for me to have a record of our lives with pictures and so on! Not sure how often I'll write but hopefully I will!
2. I process so much by writing... so think this will be great for me to see "whats going on and not going on" in my life/our lives.
3. Of course to keep close friends and those interested, updated on our highs and lows!
My amazing brother-in-law came up with this fun blog name! He's a genius.. I love it! I came up with the sub title, think it describes exactly what the title means or at least what I thought of when I heard it :)
Enjoy the weekend although its freezing!
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